There are many Archangels that you can call on for Abundance and Prosperity. Angels and Archangels can help you to release the blockages to financial abundance. Call upon the Archangels listed below individually by name to help assist you for abundance and prosperity.

Archangels and what to call upon them for:

Archangel Ariel – Is the Archangel that overseas abundance and prosperity, Archangel Ariel can bring you the guidance to help you find the ways to increase wealth in all areas of your life. She can help to provide support in helping you find a job, start a business, or to simply remember that you deserve financial abundance in your life and when you step in being of service to the world, your finances can grow and expand. Archangel Ariel can help you to open to receive the prosperity from money from both expected and unexpected resources.

Archangel Chumuel – Is the angel of money, in that he can helps to boost confidence, building career success and finding lost objects including money. He can help to clear the confusion that might be blocking the flow of proserity from entering your life, he also helps with your career.

Archangel Hamied – Is the Archangel of miracles, he can assist you in restoring your faith about life, so that you can truely experiece the miracles, including the world of finances.

Archangel Sachiel – Is the Archangel of wealth, water and success. Call upon Archangel sachiel for support in sync with the divine flow of abundance and seeing how you can remove the blockages which prevent you from aligning with the rich and vibrant and possibilites for your life.

Archangel Haniel – Is the Archangel of the moon and energy, she can assist you in restoring your passion for life and healing emotional wounds which may be blocking abundance and limiting your finances.

Archangel Jeremial – Is the Archangel who can assist you in making choices regarding your finances and resolving problems that may arise, he can help determine the right cause of action that will heal blockages and that will align you with the prosperity in abundance.

Archangel Metatron – Is known as the angel of life, he can help you to align with motivation to create postive change in your life. Archangel Metatron also assist in deciphering your soul dreams and passions and tapping into skills of past lives, so that you can help use those skills in this lifetime.

Archangel Michael – Is the Archangel for protection, he helps to align you with courage, strength and to help clear any negative energies and heal any thought patterns that are holding you back with manifesting your abundance and prosperity.

Archangel Raziel – Is the Archangel of Divine Magic. He can help you to manifest prosperity and abundance into your lives. He can help to assist you in the magically aligning with the opportunties or Divinely inspired income generating ideas.

Archangel Sandalphon – is known to be the Archangel that who carries prayers to the Divine, he can be used to ask for prayers to help you in your abandance and prosperity. Archangel Sandalphon is also known to assist for musical pursuits and aspirations.

Archangel Zacharael – Is known as the Archangel of surrender. He can help you to surrender and release destructive tenancies and experiences that may be blocking your prosperity. He can also help you in letting go of addictions and attachments and surrending to the highest divine will.

Archangel Zadkiel – Is the Archangel for spiritual alchemy and transmutation. He can help you to transmute the challenges that you are facing into new opportunties and blessings. He can bring emotional forgiveness and healing, making way for abundance and prosperity.

Archangel Barakiel – Is the Archangel of blessings and can help you to align to your blessings that are possible for you in this life time. He can also help you with a sense of joy and laughter, and to help bring joy and happiness into your life, he is known as the Archangel of luck, call upon him to help bring abundance and prosperity into your life.

One thing to remember if you want help from the Angelic realm, you have to actually ask for help. The Angels are always willing to help you, but they do not like to intervene with your free will and will always honour your free will. Be sure to ask for help!!

Love and light


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