The Akashic Records are a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions that have occured in the past, present and possible future living. Each soul has its own Akashic Records, it is like a series of books, with each book representing one lifetime. The library of the Akashic Records is where all souls are stored. Now matter how new of old your soul is, the Akashic energy holds all your thoughts, feelings, actions and deeds from each lifetime. When you realise that you have come into life with a plan, it becomes very useful to access information about that plan. Sometimes in our present lifetime we come back to complete some karma, fulfil out our past life vows or to support people or someone special who are part of our soul group.

The Akashic Records has existed from the beginning of time. Even though the name has deprived from Sanskrit these are recognised and interpreted by different names across different cultures nd belief systems.


The Akashic Records exist in the higher realms of consciousness in Akasha, above the astral plane and are guided by the powerful beings of light. These gatekeepers of the records have never been incarnated. Their responsibility is to ensure sacredness and sacntity of the records are protected and maintained.


In search of answers, we seek help from others, looking for a ray of hope and explanation of the causes of what we are going through. While the energy field and vibration can give us some information, the liong lasting healing power lies deep within our soul. The wisdom from accessing those lifetimes, the insight from any karma debt, blockages or patterns that are still manifesting in this lifetime as a result of previous lifetimes. Some of these are linked to unfinished business or pending lessons that the soul has got to learn. In some cases these are triggers to remind the soul of lessons mastered in previous lifetimes that are waiting to be activated through memory in this lifetime.

The human challenge is that, as soon as we are born, we forget what our life plan was meant to be. At times in our life we feel blocked or constricted or disappointed in our life because we don’t remember why we chose our families or situations. We may feel that our life is unfair or difficult.

The Akakshic Records provide all the information and understanding, so one can take appropriate action. They empower us, so that we can create a change in our life, release self-limiting beliefs, and embrace peace as a way of life. They never tell us what to do. The guidance comes from a non-judgemental place of love and compass on providing opportunities for growth and direction for the soul’s advancement.

An Akashic Reading may assist you in releasing pastlife blockages and to help direct you on your present life path.

For further information or to book an Akashic Reading please contact Helen 0434 098 447

Love and Light


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