Are you seeing 11:11?

Seeing 11:11 could be a sign from your Angels and a validation from spirit. It can serve as an awakening call and to pay attention. Seeing 11:11 can be a signpost on the Spiritiual awakening path.

11:11 is a spiritual awakening code, when this awakening code keeps showing up for you, then it becomes obvious that this is a call and a message from spirit to tune in.

To understand the spiritual meaning of 11:11, we must first look at the meaning behind the number 1, when you see the structure of the number 1, you can see that it is like a pillar . The pillar of light is the most basic symbol for your divine core, for the divine. I Am Presence and the core truth in you.

Your Inner Divine I Am Core is the core truth of your spirit, beneath your normal awakening mind and your true personality. Through our every day activities of life, lies our knowledge of wisdom, compassion and trust is your I Am Divine core…Your light presence, your crystalline ascension column of light that represents your 12 chakras as being united as one pillar of light and presence.

1111 also represents four pillars of light that create a sacred portal opening to spirit. The four pillars of light are the four Cardinal directions.

The four pillars of light are the four Archangelic pillars or Archangelic energies that hold the barrier of physical reality.

The four Archangelic of light:

Archangel Raphael in the East

Archangel Michaeal in the South

Archangel Gabriel in the West

Archangel Uriel in the North

In the centre of these four Archangelic Pillars is your divine self …Your I Am Core…your Ascension column, your full awakening inner truth and divine being of light.

Seeing 1111 is a reminder of this portal opening to spirit, and a call to tune in. To know that you are safe and protective by the four Archangelic energies, so that you can clear your mind and reunite to the spirit from within.

1111 is a manifesting number, when you connect to your true potential within you, to open to the highest and the best possibilities of the infinite. Through this connection there is incredible manifestation that unfolds, you truely are with the highest divine timeline for your awakening, your path for your life. You naturally attract blessings that are coherence with the true infinite that you are tuned into.

Love and light


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