When you sleep, your conscious mind takes a break and the sub-conscious mind gets to be in the drivers seat. Dreams are generally the sub-conscious attempting to communicate with you about a variety of things or trying to work through built up karma from a past life.

Regular dreams will generally have only places, people and things that are familiar to in your current life.

You start tapping into a past life dream, when the dreams involve historical settings or period clothing. The details will be clear and so will the sensation of having been there before.

The majority of your dreams will place you as the primary point of view and you’ll look as you do in this life. Most of the time, you’re inside your body or your head, looking out and watching the dream unfold as you move through it.

If you wake up saying “I didn’t look anything like myself, but I knew it was me,” this is an indication of a past life dream.

Regular dreams jump from one source to another. They have a rather fast pace and when remembering or telling them to others. When you have a past life dream though the events are logical and there is a sense that you aren’t in control of what’s happening. This is because your sub-conscious isn’t creating this dream, the source is higher and so you are truly an observer here.

When the dream recur, which they often do they never change. You watch the same sequence of events each time with little or no variation and no ability to influence the dream.

Sometimes you just know it’s a past life dream because it feels incredibly different from your other dreams. You wake up and you know that it was important, you don’t foresee any single part of it and the symbols are distinct in your mind. Years later you still remember them. They’re imprinted on your mind and they don’t go away.

When past life dreams come, it’s important to dig deeper into them. They have come for a reason and you must spend time to learn why. Not only can they help to explain the unexplainable aspects of your life, but they can bring comfort, peace of mind and help you to learn lessons from previous lives, so that you can move forward in this life.

Love and light


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