Full Moon & How it affects you:

Full Moon & How it affects you:

During the three days on or around the full moon, there is a intensity of spiritual energy on the inner planes. The full moon energy can illuminate and bring to the surface what needs to be resolve, healed or release from your life, This makes the full moon a powerful...


Clairaudience can happen by external hearing, more often than not it unfolds through an internal voice. It’s not just hearing your own thoughts, but rather hearing the guidance of spirit in an internal voice. By raising your vibration, you’re naturally in...
Energy Clearing

Energy Clearing

Energy clearing is so important to clear away your own negative thoughts and thoughts around you, that weighs down your energy, energy clearing should be done regularly. Here is a guided Energy Clearing technique that you can use: You may call in Archangel Michael and...
History of Spiritualism

History of Spiritualism

Spiritualism developed into a popular “alternative” spirituality in Britain and America during the nineteenth Century. From a series of paranormal occurrences in the United States, Spiritualism devoured the yearnings of its age. From the Fox Sisters in...


A lightworker is an awakened spiritual being in physical form who has reconnected with their soul plan and mission that has been crafted for them prior to their birth. Lightworkers commit to be a shining light in the world; to serve humanity, earth and the unfolding...